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How to Use Stress to Increase Your Self-Esteem and Remain Positive Under Pressure

How to Use Stress to Increase Your Self-Esteem

How to Use Stress to Increase Your Self-Esteem and Remain Positive Under Pressure

Stress, when channelled correctly, can lead to a healthy outcome. There are many of us, who may find that their productivity increases when placed in a stressful situation. Deadlines, or additional workloads can result in stress, which raises blood pressure. If incorrectly channelled, this enhanced blood pressure may have an unhealthy effect on the body’s immune system, resulting in illness. When the mind is in a stage of unease, then it is inevitable there will be a resultant period of dis-ease. The resultant effects are obvious, and consequentially the body may manifest the negative psychological effects in the form of physical disease.

This is where an anger management course can direct you towards a resolution to the negative aspects of stress, and steer you in the direction of positive those positive attributes or a specifically managed outcome. A heightened level of anxiety due to stress, may result in a flight or fight syndrome, manifesting stress. We can choose to deal with the stress, by directing the additional energy manifested towards a positive outcome, or submit to the feeling of disempowerment that may occur, allowing ourselves to fall into a downward spiral of depression, followed by anger.

That excess energy may be directed towards physical exercise to help with the outpouring of the associated adrenalin rush. Physical exercise, not only lowers your blood pressure, but also strengthens your immune system, consequently resulting in releasing mood-elevating endorphins from the brain, resulting in good emotional health. Regular exercise is vital, to ensure there is less likelihood of mood swings by not waiting until you feel depressed, but regularly involving yourself in physical exercise.

Getting regular sleep, with the circadian rhythms uninterrupted, also enhances your body’s ability to handle stressful situations. A good 8 hours of sleep, ensures the mind enters the REM, (Rapid eye-movement) period of sleep associated with healthy sleep. Before REM your brain activity lessens, your breathing becomes regular and your blood pressure is significantly reduced, in which we reach a heightened state of mind. Sleep deprivation can cause unhealthy sleep patterns, which result in stress.

Managing your energy levels and controlling time management is also an effective way of reducing stress. However, when we do not keep good time management, we feel rushed and as a consequence, may feel our energy levels compromised because stress interferes with our normal functioning. Keeping a diary and maintaining a healthy work schedule, reduces the risk of time-management stress-related issues.

Self-esteem is likewise enhanced as a consequence of heightened levels of euphoria associated with the release of adrenalin from your adrenal gland. The brain functions naturally to cope with our body’s varying needs for stress, or relaxation. The increase in adrenalin may well increase energy levels once more, allowing you to be more productive, and subsequently resulting in a feeling of higher levels of self-actualisation, and proportionally less stress. Managing your stress is absolutely critical. Once you have managed that excess energy by channelling the stress in a positive direction, it is important to ensure you continue to do so.

The body and mind have now gone full-circle and anger is managed productively.

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