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Ten Different Goals to Consider for 2020

Ten Different Goals to Consider for 2020

Ten Different Goals to Consider for 2020

We all get angry and stressed at times, but for some of us, the anger and stress we feel can run away from us and cause bigger problems. You could, for example, become angry at work and say something out of frustration – and the impact of such words cannot always be taken back. More often than not, we may then lack the skill to repair the hurt we have inflicted.

Head into 2020 with a set of goals that are not only attainable but will prove useful in helping you manage your emotions better.

1.          Get enough sleep

We are all guilty of staying up too late on our phones or watching Netflix. While the occasional late night shouldn’t cause too much of an issue to your health, getting enough regular sleep is essential for a better mood. In fact, sleep helps your brain flush out toxins and re-set itself from over-stimulation. Too little sleep and you run the risk of a fried brain from overload.

You need to put yourself first.

2.         Stick to your budget or create one!

Learning to live within our means is important for our mental health. Once we spiral into debt it can all too easily exacerbate our stress levels and even have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem. Living within our means is a way of respecting your vitality. Why would you want to service a debt if you value your time? Should you find yourself in unavoidable debt, payment plans that work within your budget is reasonable and everything is negotiable. What’s brilliant these days, is that there are ample Apps available to help you plan, save and budget your life till the birds come home. You no longer even need to have a PhD in mathematics!

3.         Limit your drinking

Excessive drinking can cause emotions to heighten, and for some of us, we don’t know how to control ourselves if we’ve had one drink too many.

Learn to face life differently. If you feel you really cannot face reality, what can help is to research individuals who inspire you and study them till the cows come knocking.

You get the theme now, right?

4.         Do not over commit

We’ve all been there, when someone asks us to do them a favour that we just can’t say no to – and then before you know it, they ask for another, and another, and another. Over committing to others can cause friction between you and the other person â€“ mostly due to the build-up of resentment or the feeling of being taken for granted.

Learn how to prioritise your own needs.

You are your number one – no one else – so put yourself and your needs before anyone else. You cannot help anyone unless you are capable of really doing so. So truly evaluate your motivations.

5.         Know that you can’t always get perfection

Trying to create perfection is an impossible task. You cannot keep everything neat and tidy; rather, you are more likely to cause more issues than not when trying to reach perfection.
Try not to stress if things do not go right straight away. The reality is that not everything is perfect and because we are human, mistakes happen. 

Learn to trust everything will be okay. Striving for excellence is not the same as pursuing perfection. 

6.         Do not let yourself get pressurised by everyone else’s demands.

Remember, the best version of yourself is what really helps others. This makes making yourself a priority an act of kindness for another since you’ll be sparing them the fallout of you when you hit an edge you cannot manage.  This is when learning to say ‘no’ matters – and if you can’t say ‘no’ – implementing a time boundary will help you manage your resources. If you really feel you cannot say ’no’, give yourself permission to pace yourself or delegate. 

7.         Accept that you can’t always be happy

We all want to be happy, but it is not always possible. What makes us human, is all the feelings and emotions that we feel – from anger to sadness, to fear, to joy.

Expecting or chasing pure happiness at the expense of denying all other feelings can in the end achieve the opposite affect. We need to feel all our feelings or we risk happiness no longer feeling special to us. 

Learn what is enough and when to stop; otherwise this can cause you to never feel satisfied or fulfilled. 

8.         Refrain from overeating

Health should always be your priority. This is one of the ways you make yourself number 1. Clean eating and drinking are linked to better moods and a healthier body; it is the ingredient to a positive mind.

Learn to set healthy boundaries.

Refrain from overeating. Not only does it lead to weight gain and an increased risk of developing a chronic condition like diabetes, but it will directly impact your mental health too. 

9.         Do not overload yourself with work

It is easy to overwork ourselves, to the point of making ourselves sick. This is why we need to take a step back and have boundaries in place. Over-working is an indication that you do not make yourself a priority. One way to create boundaries is to have a to-do list that stops you from losing sight of your tasks/goals and realistic time-frames. If your organisation keeps demanding extra time from you – ensure that it is your expectation from them to be renumerated for that effort, either financially or by extra time off.

Learn to prioritise what matters most to you. Factor in down-time with things that really really matter to you. 

10.       Accept that family differences are normal Family is a common cause of stress, which is why in 2020, you should understand that families have differences and you won’t all get on all the time. It is normal for people to have differences in opinion; you should not take it personally. Learn to agree to disagree. Remember, it’s okay to be different. After all, differences is what creates communities. 

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