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No Need For Closure

No Need For Closure

Sometimes you do not get closure. You do not get an explanation or an apology. To find peace within yourself you will need to accept an apology that was never given. This is because by holding onto the anger that you feel over this injustice will wear you down. This goes for previous relationships, friendships […]

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Mad About Miscommunication

Mad About Miscommunication

Miscommunication or crossed-wires can cause anger. This is because we as humans do not like to feel like we are misunderstood. However, it is very important to look at the other person’s perspective in any given situation. It may be that you need to improve the way that you communicate your feelings to your friends […]

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Why parents are getting angrier: ‘Children are bored out of their skulls with real life’

Why parents are getting angrier

Why parents are getting angrier: ‘Children are bored out of their skulls with real life’ “It’s hard to know the difference between parenting and bullying,” admits Matt, father of two and one of a growing number of parents seeking help to control what they see as unacceptable levels of anger towards their children. Matt is […]

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Mind Your Mindset: LET IT GO

Mind Your Mindset: LET IT GO

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you” Joel Osteen It is true. Every day we have opportunities to get angry, […]

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Why anger coaches are desperately needed in the world

Why anger coaches are desperately needed in the world

As the world seems to be getting angrier, the need for anger coaches to help manage anger and stress is increasing exponentially, across the globe. With the hectic lifestyle more and more people are becoming accustomed to, the more people are missing out on a good night’s sleep, which, as we know, increases anger and […]

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Anger and Addiction

Anger and Addiction

Anger is often the root of an addict’s problem. Unfortunately, substance abusers, drug addicts and alcoholics do not identify their anger as connected to their addiction. This is problematic as since they do not recognise anger as the psychological origin of their addiction they are not able to seek help for this particular aspect of […]

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Do violent video games influence anger?

Do violent video games influence anger?

We live in a society which seems to promote anger, violence and aggression.  We cannot go a day where we look at our social media feeds and not see something violent. Action movies and programmes involving violence are becoming more prevalent. And we as a society are exposing our children to violence as a result. […]

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Are Women Getting Angrier or More Comfortable Expressing Anger?

Are Women Getting Angrier or More Comfortable Expressing Anger?

Historically, women have not been able or allowed to express their feelings due to their submissive roles. Therefore it comes as a surprise to many men when a woman gets angry, despite the fact that we live in the 21st century. Anger is an expression of hurt so, naturally, every woman will feel it but […]

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Britain is Getting Angrier

Britain is Getting Angrier

Britain is getting angrier. Which is not surprising as our media seems to encourage violence. We, as a society, have welcomed violence and aggression into our home in the form of DVDs, social media content and video games, where the reoccurring theme is that violence and aggression is acceptable. Bandura’s (1963) popular study on aggression […]

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Abandonment and Anger

Abandonment and Anger

If you suffer from anger issues, it could be due to the rage that you feel from being abandoned. This anger has the goal of revenge on everyone in the surrounding world because your physical and emotional needs were not met. This anger wants to inflict revenge on any individual who has hurt you, either […]

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Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

You should be able to feel refreshed and revitalised after a decent night’s sleep, being able to work the whole day without agitation. After a long hard day at work it is natural to feel tired but in a pleasant way, especially if your job has high job satisfaction. We need to feel like we […]

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Heartbreak and Pain

Heartbreak and Pain

Your brain is drowned in dopamine and oxytocin the “happy chemicals” or neurotransmitters of the brain. When the relationship comes to an end, the happy chemicals leave your system and are replaced by cortisol, adrenaline and epinephrine the stress chemicals. The stress of the break up takes the body into fight or flight mode. No […]

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Why Does Being Rejected Make Us Angry?

Why Does Being Rejected Make Us Angry?

There is no denying that rejection hurts, but why is it that it brings up feelings of anger? Feeling loved and accepted is a primary human need and when you feel rejected you are being denied just that. When you are rejected, it can cause the same feeling as physical pain. This is because rejection […]

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